Thursday, May 29, 2008

Retirment Future

Many people wonder what their future will be like but I'm here to tell you that i truly know what will happen once Ms.Searcy retires. It will be a terrible site i must say before she leaves she will have handcuffed herself to her desk screaming at the top of her lungs stuff many people do not understand but her literature students will understand that she is scramming all the poems she has ever tough. The police will force her off the school grounds giving her, her boxes of poems, trays of Cinnamon buns, and many other shenanigans no one understands. Along with her box set of the Gilligan's Island series. She eventually had to be forcefully removed off the school grounds and escorted home(because numerous times she tried to run back in and handcuff herself once again to the school). Two months later after her forced retirement poor poor Searcy started to go crazy she was baking batches and batches of Cinnamon buns icing them with her tears. Well this phase was occurring she started to go much more crazy talking in a British accent truly thinking she was Shakespeare. She evan sowed herself a Shakespearean outfit running around her small town of Summerland bagging them to listen to the poems she had written oddly some of which mention a talented gifted young man with green eyes, blond and spiky hair. She started ranting odes on the top of Giantshead screaming them out to the world. She eventually becomes know as the crazy old lady Seacry and people from around the world came to she her and her crazy ways.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Within Angels And Demons

In the poem " Within Angels And Demons" there are many connections to The Book Angels & Demons . From the stanza "Angels care for us,Demons hurt us,That is what we’re taught…"It states that angels are caring for us referring to the Catholic Church while Demons are hurting, thing us referring to science. IT is stating how the Catholic church for century's has be saying how science is evil and the end will not save you. When they say "This is what we are tough" it is stating how for decades the church has been forcing to make us believe that science is evil and that we should just follow the ways of the church. "Angels cause us pain, they betray us,The demons heal our pain…Within Angels and Demons…" is a quote from this poem which is stating how more often the church is just hurting us with what they are doing, well science is curing deceases and making us feel better. For example in the novel when we had the flash back of Maximilian Kohler the director of CERN when he was a kid suffering in agonising pain almost dead while all his parents would do was pray for him to get better. Eventually the doctor there snuck him a shot saving his life but he became paralyzed and the priest blamed it on his lack of faith.

Angels care for us,Demons hurt us,That is what we’re taught…

Angels cause us pain, they betray us,The demons heal our pain…Within Angels and Demons…