Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Endangerment of not Caring

This story can connect to many events in history but in particular it can connect to the tragic events of the Holocaust. In the Lottery everything just seemed so normal to the very end when you finally find out why it was really called the Lottery. In the Holocaust the Germans along with other people seemed to think it was normal and all right what the Nazis were doing even though the people in involved were fully educated and some were even religious and thought what they were doing was the right thing. The people around the world kind of ignored it until the very end when they saw the horrific consequences of it. Elis speech relates to the lottery in that the people around ignore what is happening until it actually starts to affect them and that no one in the community seems to care are try to stop what is happening to the people that are stoned to death just like how the world ignored the holocaust for a while even though they new it was happening.